Greenlees Park Couch

Fast Growing
Quick Repairing
Rich Green Colour
Greenlees Park is a tried and tested variety in the tropics.
It has a beautiful dark vibrant green colour and is highly recommended for use on any high traffic areas such as road verges, backyards, school grounds, golf fairways and sporting ovals.
It has a soft, fine leaf with a rich, dark green colour and is outstanding on extremely hardwearing surfaces. It is very fast growing which gives it a quick recovery from any damage sustained, and is perfect for plugging use over large areas. Having a fine leaf it can sustain against broad leaf weed killer which makes it easy to keep it weed free.
Being a fast growing turf, it is a higher maintenance lawn. It requires more watering, mowing and fertilising to keep it looking amazing. It shoots tall seed heads and needs regular mowing to keep these down.